Books and Reviews at Greenberry House

Like most booksellers, reading is a large part of my life here at Greenberry House. I have a special old chair, so worn that it sags, where I love to curl up with a good book. Old favorites, exciting new writers, spiritual or challenging, fiction or fact; all pass through my hands and many are worthy of comment. I plan an occasional mention here of a recent book I've read, either to recommend or to warn!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ivy Cole and the Moon

    Ivy Cole and the Moon, by Gina Farago, NeDeo Press, Greensboro, North Carolina 2005

    Ivy Cole and the Moon by Gina Farago is not the type of book I would normally pick up. On the surface it seems to be of the horror genre, not one of my personal favorites. But this 'werewolf' book is far more than it seems on the surface. I was immediately struck by the beauty of the structure as the writer weaved her tale with flashbacks and revelations about the characters. The setting, familiar to me as my own backyard, only added to my interest in the story and the names of the characters were right for the area and for the tale. The fascinating theme of the story lifts the book far beyond genre fiction.

    I won't say more; I never understood how all those teachers have been able to struggle through years of book reports. But if you're looking for an interesting read with some chills but also with some depth and style, think about Ivy Cole and the Moon.